可持续性 Dual Major

可持续性 Dual Major
Semester in the City students


Required courses + 5 electives


Open to majors in all 5 UNH colleges



SUST 401:Exploring 可持续性 counts as a Discovery course


SUST 401: Exploring 可持续性


401 is the first required course in the dual major 和 counts as an ETS Discovery 
(环境、技术 & 社会)

  电子邮件 艾琳.Hale@germancontrol.net 有问题的

What is the 可持续性 Dual Major?

UNH是一个骄傲 国家领导人 在可持续性. We view sustainability broadly, as 集体承诺维护所有人的人类尊严和所有地方的生态完整性. From our two 4-star Green Restaurant 餐厅 我们的大厅 低碳校园diversity, inclusion 和 equity initiatives, UNH is the the place to study 和 live sustainability. Our 可持续性 Dual Major (SDM) will help you develop the critical knowledge, skills 和 experience to build a better, more sustainable world today 和 in the future. 

所有UNH专业的学生都可以将可持续发展双专业与他们的主修专业配对. From local to global, you'll learn to analyze, evaluate 和 create new ideas 和 models around sustainability. As a cross-disciplinary 和 applied field of study 和 practice, you’ll make connections across issues of science 和 ethics, policy 和 technology, 以及文化和历史,以便更好地理解我们这个时代的紧迫问题并采取行动. 解决现实生活中的问题需要来自多个学科和背景的人的技能和观点. 可持续发展双专业提供了理解这些系统所需的技能和知识, identify relevant environmental 和 社会 issues, 和 become agents of change in a complex world. 

SDM的第一个必修课程是探索可持续发展(SUST 401)和履行环境, 技术, 和 Society (ETS) Discovery requirement! With just 3 required courses 和 5 electives, you can add the SDM to any primary major. 问题? 联系艾琳 Hale, SDM Program Coordinator.

Important Information


如果你是一名学生,对可持续发展课程或SDM有疑问,或者有兴趣参加SDM, please reach out to 艾琳 Hale at 艾琳.hale@germancontrol.net or 603-777-2209.  

A dual major can ONLY be a second major; students must have a primary major in a department or discipline before adding a dual major.  Dual majors have fewer requirements than a double or second major, but more required credits than a minor.  

  • All majors can combine their primary major with the 可持续性 Dual Major.  
  • You must have a primary major declared before enrolling. (Not sure what your major will be? 每个人都被邀请去探索可持续发展双专业的第一门课程:SUST 401.) 
  • 你的平均成绩必须达到2分.5岁或以上. 因此, 你必须至少在第二学期注册,这样你才能达到GPA要求.  
  • 你应该渴望学习更多澳门葡京网赌游戏可持续发展和解决方案的知识,以创造一个更美好的世界! 

Be a part of a vibrant, committed, 和 diverse community that will help you: 

  • Build your UNH community 和 professional networks 
  • Explore the complexity of sustainability in small, engaging courses 
  • 学习 how to collaborate with peers 和 faculty across majors 
  • Develop career skills needed to create sustainability solutions in any profession 
  • Hone your leadership skills to help create a better world 

As an interdisciplinary field of study 和 practice, you’ll make connections across issues of science 和 ethics, policy 和 technology, 以及文化和历史,以便更好地理解我们这个时代的紧迫问题并采取行动. 你可以探索: 

  • 随着海平面的上升,我们如何过渡到有弹性和社会公正的沿海社区? 
  • 我们如何改变区域粮食系统,使其可持续、公正和有弹性? 
  • How can corporations drive sustainability solutions? 
  • How can communities 和 businesses come together to exp和 renewable energy production, 减少污染, create living-wage jobs, 和 alleviate energy deserts? 
  • How can we transition to a zero-waste society? 
  • How can we develop new models of sustainability education? 

Before you enroll, you need to have a primary major declared 和 a minimum GPA of 2.5.   

When you’re ready to enroll, sign into WebCat 和 go to:  

 > Student Records 
> Change of Major 
> 2nd major 
> Liberal Arts 
> 可持续性 / BS 



2 electives from your primary major can double count; any discovery course can also count.
Complete the following SUST courses (in order):  
SUST 401 Exploring 可持续性 4
SUST 501 可持续性 in Action 4
SUST 750 可持续性 Capstone 4
Select 20 credits of elective courses 1 20
总学分2 32

All SUST majors will take at least one (1) elective course from the natural & 生物科学列表和至少一(1)门社会科学和人文科学列表中的选修课程.
Two electives from your primary major can double count; any Discovery courses can also count towards the SDM. SUST 401 counts as an ETS Discovery. 


Don’t see an elective that you’d like to count toward the SDM? 你可以申请任何与可持续发展相关的课程,以满足你的选修要求.

Natural Biological Systems  
杂志541年 生态 4
520年10月 Environmental Pollution 和 Protection: A Global Context 4
705年10月 Introduction to Sustainable Engine艾琳g 3
706年10月 Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 3
719年10月 Green Building Design 3
ECOG 401 Introduction to Ecogastronomy 4
ESCI 405 Global Environmental Change 4
ESCI 765 古气候学 3
地理的572 Geography of the Natural Environment 4
地理的670 气候与社会 4
HLS 580 Environmental 和 Human Security 4
玛丽705年 Introduction to Marine Policy: Underst和ing US Ocean, Coastal 和 Great Lakes Policy 3
MEFB 702 Sustainable Marine Fisheries 4
MEFB 772 Fisheries Biology: Conservation 和 Management 4
NR 435 Contemporary Conservation Issues 和 Environmental Awareness 4
NR 502 Forest Ecosystems 和 Environmental Change 4
NR 507 Introduction to our Energy System 和 Sustainable Energy 4
NR 650 Principles of Conservation Biology 4
NR 703 Watershed Water Quality Management 4
NR 785 Systems Thinking for Sustainable Solutions 4
减轻595 Mediterranean Diet 和 Culture 4
减轻730 From Seed to Sea: Examining Sustainable Food Systems 4
SAFS 405 Sustainable Agriculture 和 Food Production 4
SAFS 410 A Taste of the Tropics 4
SAFS 502 农业生态学 4
SAFS 510 Agriculture 和 Development in the Neotropics 4
SAFS 632 都市农业 4
SUST 600 可持续性 Independent Study 1-4
SUST 605 可持续性 Internship 1-4
社会制度 & 人文学科  
ADMN 444 Business for People, Planet, 和 Profits 4
尖刺外壳695 Globalization 和 Global Population 健康 4
尖刺外壳697 特别的主题 4
DS 620 Topics in Decision Sciences (Supply Chain Management) 1-4
一堂课540 Environment, 技术 和 Ancient Society: Sustaining Ancient Rome 生态 和 Empire 4
经济633 小额信贷 4
经济706 Economics of Climate Change 4
英格兰521年 自然的作家 4
英格兰736年 Environmental Theory 4
英格兰787年 English Major Seminar 4
EREC 444 The New Pirates of the Caribbean 4
EREC 572 Introduction to Natural Resource Economics 4
EREC 760 Ecological-Economic Modeling for Decision Making 4
翅片620 金融主题1 2-4
翅片720 金融主题1I (The Finance of CSR 和 ESG Investing) 4
地理的405 T在这里 Is No Planet B 4
地理的590 实地研究 4
地理的673 政治生态 4
地理的685 Population 和 Development 4
高熔点501 Epidemiology 和 社区 Medicine 4
高熔点715 Environmental 健康 4
INCO 505 Semester in the City Becoming a Problem Solver 4
INCO 505 b Social Innovator's Toolbox 4
INCO 505我 Semester in the City 8
MKTG 620 Topics in Marketing (可持续性 和 Marketing) 4
仙女虫属400 Introduction to Native American 和 Indigenous Studies 4
NR 602 Natural 资源 和 Environmental Policy 4
NR 643 Economics of Forestry 4
NR 720 International Environmental Politics 和 Policies for the 21st Century 4
NR 724 Resolving Environmental Conflicts 4
NR 784 Sustainable Living - Global Perspectives 4
NR 787 Advanced Topics in Sustainable Energy 4
431年菲尔 商业道德 4
保罗670年 BiP-Analytical Intelligence Topics (B Impact Clinic, 碳 Clinic) 2
450年菲尔 Environmental Ethics 4
图表# 444 Politics 和 Policy in a Warming World 4
图表548 毒品战争 4
图表750 贫困政治 4
图表751 Comparative Environmental Politics 和 Policy 4
RMP 511 Issues of Wilderness 和 Nature in American Society 4
拉斯# 425 Topics in Russian Culture 和 Society in Moscow 4
SOC 444 Honors/Society in the Arctic 4
SOC 565 Environment 和 Society 4
SOC 665 Environmental Sociology 4
SOC 730 Communities 和 the Environment 4
SUST 600 可持续性 Independent Study 1-4
SUST 605 可持续性 Internship 1-4
767年之旅 Social Impact Assessment 4
WS 505 Survey in Women's Studies 4
WS 798 讨论会 4

已修读或即将修读非SDM预先批准选修课程的学生,可申请将其他与可持续发展相关的课程计入SDM必修选修课程的20学分. Students may petition for elective approval prior to or after taking a course. 

  1. Fill out the online form for students with basic information about the course 和 its sustainability content 
  2. Upload a syllabus of the course from the semester you took or plan to take the class. 
  3. SDM领导团队将审查表格和教学大纲,以确定课程是否提供明确的可持续发展内容. 
  4. SDM leadership team informs the student of the final decision.  
  5. If it is decided that the course should be approved as an elective, the SDM leadership team informs the Registrar. 
  6. SDM领导团队可以选择与教师联系,将课程作为预先批准的SDM选修课提交. 

申请课程可以通过UNH或其他机构在校内或校外提供. We will use the same process for reviewing any of these scenarios.  

非联合国大学的课程只有在联合国大学已经批准该课程获得联合国大学学分的情况下才会被考虑. 请注意,在其他机构修满3个学分的课程在UNH可以修满3个学分.  

类似的, a grade of “C” or better is required for each course accepted, including University System Institutions. 

Once a student’s petition is approved by the SDM leadership team, it will be forwarded to the Discovery Committee for final approval, 和 then sent on to the Registrar’s office to be recorded in the student’s records 

这个过程是为那些想要申请选修课程的学生计算在SDM中. If a student wants to petition for a course to substitute for one of the core courses, that must be approved by the entire UCSDM, 和 will undergo much greater scrutiny. 


  1. Fill out the online form 为教师.
  2. Upload a syllabus of the course from the semester you took or plan to take the class. 
  3. SDM领导团队将审查表格和教学大纲,以确定课程是否提供明确的可持续发展内容. 
  4. SDM leadership team informs the student of the final decision.  
  5. If it is decided that the course should be approved as an elective, SDM领导团队通知注册主任,并将课程列为预先批准的选修课. 

我们现在正处于人类历史的一个关键时刻,在此期间我们将决定地球和人类状况的未来. Current gr和 challenges 在可持续性 include poverty, 不平等, 气候, environmental degradation, 繁荣, 和平, 和 justice as embodied in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. T在这里 is growing interest in finding solutions that simultaneously ensure 社会, 经济, 和 environmental well-being at local to global scales, now 和 for generations to come. To help address these sustainability challenges, 以下是为澳门葡京网赌游戏制定的一套可持续发展教育目标. 这些是所有联合国大学学生的理想,将通过正式和非正式的教育机会来实现. 这些目标 are also inter-related 和 must be integrated; together they will inspire our students to create 和 sustain resilient communities at UNH 和 around the world. See development of goals in detail 在这里.

Comprehend gr和 challenges 

学生具有分析和综合环境之间相互联系的能力, 社会, 和 经济 aspects of complex systems, 以及问题如何在不同的尺度(地方到全球)和不同的时间(过去和现在之间的联系)表现出来, 现在, 和未来). 

Students can identify, 评估, 尊重, 和 navigate the diverse values, 利益, 和 types of knowledge in在这里nt 在可持续性 challenges, while simultaneously addressing power imbalances 和 promoting 社会 justice. 

应用 knowledge to a lifetime of action 
个人实践:学生了解可持续发展如何影响他们的生活,并能够评估他们的行动如何影响个人的可持续发展, 机构, 以及社会层面. 

Professional practice: 所有的学生, 无论专业如何, underst和 how their professional work contributes to sustainable communities, 能否运用学科和其他形式的知识和技能来促进可持续的解决方案. 

Collaborative practice: 学生学习如何跨学科和跨部门合作,共同确定项目目标, 创建知识, 和 develop innovative 和 effective solutions to sustainability challenges. 

Other foundational learning objectives (e.g., ability to communicate effectively, ability to think critically) are addressed elsew在这里 in UNH curriculum. 

Background document on how the UNH Sustainable Education Goals were developed: 
可持续发展教育的组织变革:一所大学努力创造和实施机构范围内的可持续发展能力的案例研究;  Vanessa R. 卡梅隆·莱维斯克. Wake, International Journal of 可持续性 in Higher Education